Dharmajunkies is currently partnering with Awake New York, who produce meditation based events, to do urban retreats, and public events, as well as THESITTINGPROJECT.ORG.
With a base in meditation practice, DHARMAJUNKIES is committed to supporting compassion in everyday life. Through meditation practice, art, poetry, science, business and group support, we encourage each other to wake from self-obsession, addiction and habitual thinking in order to bring peace and sanity to the world. We want to make a difference. This is non-violent activism. And we are committed to that.
DHARMAJUNKIES is independent, unaligned and open to anyone regardless of race, creed, sexual identificato or orientation. In other words, dharmajunkies are what we become when you get here.
We partner with TheSittingProject.com and @AwakeNewYork.com and other communities to present mindfulness and meditation based events throughout the city. Please visit our home group in New York City, Wednesday Nights 730pm at the 3 Jewels Meditation and Yoga Center, 61 Fourth Avenue, 3rd floor.
Please contact us to be part of our mailinglist. Dharmajunkies@gmail.com ; Joe@josephmauricio.com